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Fintech Client Acquisition
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C-Leads Team
July 30, 2024

FinTech ICP For Sales: How To Do It Right? 

Every FinTech company that is looking to increase the number of customers to sell its service or product should take a responsible and conscious approach to preparing everything necessary to get the sales process off to a solid start.

Who is our client? Will he/she benefit from our service/product? Do these people really need our help?

If you are asking these questions, you are 100% on the right way, by taking the time and finding genuine answers, you may be surprised by the results. You'll increase the effectiveness of your customer acquisition efforts many times over, and you'll be taking more precise steps that will get you closer to your desired goal faster and increase your company's revenue.

In this article, C-Leads will help you identify these future precise steps that will assist you in creating your Ideal Customer Profile. Let’s start!

What is ICP in Sales?

The term ICP stands for Ideal Customer Profile. In sales, it refers to a detailed description of the characteristics of a company’s best-fit customers. An ICP helps sales and marketing teams identify which businesses are most likely to benefit from their products or services based on specific attributes and behaviors. 

Sales ICP and Buyer Persona Breakdown

Even though both of these terms are somewhat similar in meaning, they serve different purposes, but together they can provide more meaningful insights that can ultimately change the rules of the game and open up new room for growth for a company. 

Ideal Customer Profile

ICP focuses on the characteristics of the business itself rather than the individuals within it. Key attributes of an ICP include:

  • Industry: The sector in which the ideal customer operates (e.g., technology, healthcare, fitness, hospitality, etc).
  • Company Size: This can be measured by revenue, number of employees, or market share.
  • Geographic Location: The regions or countries where the ideal customer is based.
  • Budget: The financial capacity of the company to purchase your products or services.
  • Pain Points: The specific challenges or needs that your product or service can address for that business.

ICP helps sales and marketing teams narrow the scope of their search and do more targeted activities that are most likely to bring in new customers.

Buyer Persona

In contrast, a Buyer Persona is a semi-fictional representation of the ideal customer within that organization. It focuses on the individual decision-makers and influencers involved in the purchasing process. Key characteristics of a Buyer Persona include:

  • Demographics: Age, gender, education level, and job title of the individual.
  • Goals and Motivations: What the individual aims to achieve professionally and personally.
  • Challenges and Pain Points: Specific issues the individual faces that your product can solve.
  • Buying Behavior: Insights into how they make purchasing decisions, including preferences and influences.

Buyer Personas provide a detailed tool to fully understand the customer communication process and conversion levels.

If conversion rates are low, you may be talking to the wrong person in the company, even though the company itself may be a perfect match for your requirements. Bear that in mind!

Do I Need an ICP? ( Spoiler: YES! ) Why?

The meaning of ICP for sales revolves around the concept of identifying and targeting the customers most valuable to the business. By identifying ICPs, companies can optimize their sales processes, leading to:

  • Higher Conversion Rates: Targeting the right customers increases the likelihood of closing deals.
  • Faster Sales Cycles: Focusing on ideal customers reduces the time spent on unqualified leads.
  • Improved Customer Retention: Satisfied customers who fit the ICP are more likely to remain loyal to the brand.

The Importance of ICP in Sales Strategy

Implementing an ICP is not just about creating a document; it’s about integrating it into your sales strategy. Here’s how to do it right:

  • Align Sales and Marketing -  Ensure that both teams understand and utilize the ICP to create cohesive messaging and outreach strategies.
  • Utilize Technology - Leverage CRM and data analytics tools to track and analyze customer interactions, ensuring alignment with the ICP.
  • Measure Effectiveness - Regularly assess the performance of your ICP by tracking key metrics such as conversion rates, customer satisfaction, and sales cycle length.

Building an Effective Sales ICP

Creating an effective ICP involves several key steps:

  1. Gather Internal Intelligence: Analyze existing customer data to identify common characteristics among your best customers.
  2. Conduct Market Research: Explore industry trends and conduct surveys to understand the needs and challenges faced by potential customers.
  3. Develop Your ICP Framework: Combine internal data with market insights to create a detailed profile of your ideal customer.
  4. Refine and Validate Your ICP: Continuously test and adjust your ICP based on real-world data and feedback from sales teams.

ICP Examples

Let's consider an example of a project, built on blockchain. This project offers a comprehensive tool that enables developers to focus entirely on coding by eliminating the time spent on finding the right infrastructure and contacting support.

Additionally, it simplifies the deployment of smart contracts on new networks and automates the verification process, making development more efficient and streamlined.
Example ICP for a such Web3 FinTech Project:

  1. Types of companies where target clients work:some text
    1. EVM Networks;
    2. Teams developing Solidity smart contracts (DEXs, Lending, etc);
    3. Consultory services (development consultants)
  2. Job Titles of your ideal clients?some text
    1. CTO, CIO, Senior Solidity Developer, Smart Contracts Developers, Lead Developers.
  3. What are their responsibilities?some text
    1. People in charge of infrastructure and/or technical ecosystem tasks.
  4. A few examples of target companies:some text
    1. ImmutableX, Metis, Canvas Connect, Eclipse, Scroll, Gnosis, BNB, Boba, Celo
  5. Any additional important comments?some text
    1. The best clients are EVM networks that still need to launch into production or just released a Testnet.

Therefore, by targeting potential customers based on this specific ICP, the company XYZ can tailor its marketing efforts to address the unique challenges these potential clients face, ultimately driving higher engagement and conversion rates. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid

You should be aware of common pitfalls when designing and implementing an ICP:

  • Overgeneralization: Avoid making your ICP too broad – specificity is key to effective targeting.
  • Neglecting Updates: An ICP should evolve as market conditions and customer needs change. Regularly review and update your profile.
  • Ignoring Feedback: Incorporate insights from sales teams and customer interactions to refine your ICP continually.


Having an ICP is essential for any company aiming to build a strong sales pipeline and achieve sustainable growth. A well-crafted ICP for sales that also aligns with your marketing efforts, can significantly help you attract the right customers and maximize your outreach and conversion potential.

If you’re ready to refine your sales strategy and attract your ideal customers, then start by developing your ICP!If you need assistance or want to learn more about how to implement ICP effectively in your business, contact us for expert guidance and support. Let's work together to drive your sales success!

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